
Christmas at the food bank…

We are planning ahead this festive season, as the latest Trussell Trust figures show we will have our busiest Winter yet. Hundreds of emergency parcels are set to leave our warehouse throughout the Winter, so we are preparing early with a list of what’s happening throughout December…   Tesco Christmas Collection: The Tesco Christmas Collection […]

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More Support This Season…

We are heading into the cold months now and it’s inevitable that there will be individuals who can’t afford their heating bills, will be unable to use appliances to cook hot food or even struggle to afford a weekly shop for their family. Barnsley Foodbank Partnership offer emergency food parcels for those in crisis across […]

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Harvest at the food bank…

Before we know it, the leaves will be changing colour and the frosty mornings will be upon us. Harvest arrives a little earlier this year, with most Harvest festivals taking place on or around October 1st. Harvest is a big time for the food bank, as all donations that arrive during this period are to […]

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Design your own Superhero this Summer

During the Summer holidays, we are including an exciting competition in our family food parcels. Anyone receiving an emergency food parcel over the school holidays, with under 16’s in the household, will also get a competition sheet. Entrants can design their own ‘food bank superhero’ on a t-shirt template, with some very special prizes up […]

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Barnsley Council share Summer activities

Barnsley Council have released timetables for their Healthy Holidays initiative this Summer. A healthy meal is provided at the clubs, which are across the borough and have many activities including sports games, arts & crafts, cookery classes and gymnastics. Children who receive ‘benefit-related (means-tested)’ free school meals, are entitled to a free place at all […]

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Summer Campaign Launches at the Food Bank

A brand new festival-style campaign is launching at Barnsley Foodbank Partnership. Highlighting home cooking, healthy food options and recipe ideas, the new campaign will run throughout the school holidays this Summer. ‘Glaston-Berry’ is a fun social media based campaign, teaming up music-style artwork with recipe ideas, that all of the family can get involved with. Recipes […]

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New Chairperson for Food Bank

Barnsley Foodbank Partnership would like to thank Rev.Mick Neal for being our trusted Chairperson since the food bank was formed just over 10 years ago. Mick brought a wealth of knowledge, skills and dedication, which helped guide the food bank through its journey to date. Mick has now decided its time for him to step […]

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A Statement From Barnsley Foodbank Partnership

We would like to clarify that Barnsley Foodbank Partnership is under the Trussell Trust organisation and we are the only Trussell Trust food bank in Barnsley. We are not associated with any other food banks, food pantries, emergency food services, community fridges or any organisation of this type. Individuals who access our food bank must […]

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Local Food Bank is Urging People to Donate If They Can

Barnsley Foodbank Partnership is calling on the local community to donate much needed items to support people facing hardship. Since opening in 2013, Barnsley Foodbank Partnership has provided vital emergency support to local people facing hardship. Between January 2022 – January 2023, the food bank gave out food parcels to 10,917 individuals. The food bank […]

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Foodbank Figures Highlighted

Since the global pandemic, we saw a big change in the pattern when it came to giving out vital food parcels. The demand for emergency help from those in crisis across Barnsley sky-rocketed, with our food bank working around the clock to ensure we could provide the much-needed support. It is hard to believe that […]

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