
Real Stories

Your support is helping us to change lives.


Holly’s Story

“The people at the foodbank were wonderful, they understood and saved us.”

Having always worked and never claimed benefits, Holly, 29, from Chichester was bringing up her four-year-old daughter, Phoebe alone. She was determined to give her the best possible start in life, but when Phoebe suddenly fell ill, Holly was forced to turn to a foodbank for help.

The council flat that Holly was living in was in a deprived area with drug dealing and dog fouling taking place in the corridor outside her door. Holly was adamant that her daughter should have a better environment to grow up in and was offered alternative accommodation near her parents but at double the cost. As well as borrowing money from her parents to meet the cost, Holly was working part time. At the same time, she had been selling second-hand clothes online and the shop she was working in noticed its success and offered her a space selling clothes in their shop.

Under normal circumstances, Holly could just about scrape by, but when her daughter became poorly and had to spend three weeks in hospital, she was forced to close the shop temporarily. When Phoebe recovered, they returned home to empty kitchen cupboards, bills racking up and no income to support them.

Holly felt unable to ask her family for help again and after discussions with the local Citizens Advice Bureau she was referred to the foodbank.

Holly said: “The people at the foodbank were wonderful, they understood and saved us.”

Although Holly’s situation is still precarious, knowing the foodbank is there in an emergency is a huge weight off her shoulders.



Alan’s* Story

“Without Barnsley Foodbank Partnership, I would have gone hungry.”

“I left my family home around Christmas time last year and spent 3 weeks sleeping in my car when it was snowing. I got in touch with the Housing Options team and they did a referral to Uthink PDP. I had my assessment and was moved in to my own self-contained flat within 48 hours. They offered me tenancy support, a furnished flat and a food parcel from Barnsley Foodbank Partnership. Kimberly from Uthink PDP did my food parcel referral to Hope House Café. They made me feel very welcome and even gave me a cup of coffee and a bacon roll. There was no judgement and they assisted me in every way they could.

Kimberly has given me support each week, helped me build my confidence and enabled me to access services. Getting a food parcel enabled me to eat. When I left my family home, my benefits stopped and I was unable to afford food. I was provided with enough food to make meals for 3 days and some left over.

Without Barnsley Foodbank Partnership, I would have gone hungry.

I now have a plan to move on to the next stage of my life with the tools to manage a tenancy.”


*The name of the individual has been changed.


Miyah’s* Story

“I am now getting out of crisis.”

“I became homeless after my mum asked me to leave. I do not get along with my step-dad and there was always a lot of arguing. I moved in to Centrepoint, a hostel for homeless young people, but did not have any money to buy any food when I moved in. Centrepoint referred me to Hope House Café for a food parcel and my support worker collected it for me. I currently live in Centrepoint, but I am being supported to develop my independent skills and move in to my own tenancy, therefore getting me out of crisis.”


*The name of the individual has been changed.

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