During the festive period, Barnsley Foodbank Partnership received many kind donations and we were completely overwhelmed by your generosity. Equally, we are extremely grateful for all of these donations as they all go towards sending out food parcels to those who find themselves in crisis.
Local businesses, schools, community groups…a big thank you to so many individuals that came together to raise money, buy food, donate time and help us in one of the busiest months our foodbank has known. To our warehouse volunteers, some of which came in every single day to assist us in making the food parcels. To our volunteer van drivers, who ensured the food parcels were delivered to the collection points and collected donations from schools, supermarkets and businesses. To everyone in the ‘Foodbank Family’…we couldn’t have done it without you.
Now, as the new year begins and we find ourselves still in this Covid-19 situation, we want to ensure you that we are here. We are still operating with our normal hours and following the up to date government guidelines.
If you are in need of a food parcel, you can find out how to apply for one here.
If you would like to donate to our foodbank, click here.
For more information, please contact [email protected] or call 01226 235280.