

24th March 2020

It’s a time of much worry for all as measures to prevent the virus spreading and protect the NHS come into place.  These are affecting Foodbank provision in the UK in various ways, you may have heard reports about foodbanks in recent news.   Barnsley Foodbank Partnership is working to keep the foodbank open.  We’re doing this with our partners at Fareshares Yorkshire,  The Trussell Trust,  all our local referral agencies, churches across Barnsley who host foodbank spokes where food parcels are collected and stores who help with food donation collection.  There will be changes to our provision as social distancing is in place, our foodbank distribution spokes are working to keep open but there are some changes to opening hours.

Donate: We know many may not be able to give as they would like  at this time. That said when it’s a hard time for all to get food supplies we have been heartened by continued donations of food, these are still extremely welcome you can donate food at the main Tesco’s in Barnsley & Coop’s Dodworth & Kingston thanks all who have helped!

If you are able to donate money go to  we anticipate continued heightened demand with the financial impact of the virus. We have  received some generous donations this week from individuals, other charities and businesses. THANK YOU.

Volunteering:  we have only one paid member of staff, they with our volunteers are at the heart of the foodbank and are working flat out to keep the foodbank going at unprecedented times.  We have such hard working volunteers but some cannot volunteer at the moment due to shielding of others or self isolation so we urgently need volunteers to help in the warehouse sorting supplies, putting food parcels together and  van driving.  If at a time of increased need  you can give a few hours a week please get in touch via: [email protected] 

If you are experiencing hardship and food poverty go to our Get Help section of our website

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